SERMON BY BRO. TAMBARI BENSON TOPIC: TARRY STILL TEXT: Gen. 26:16-25; 26-31 DEFINITION OF THE KEY WORDS TARRY : means to delay or to be tardy in acting or doing. To linger in expectation: wait (Merriam Webster). STILL : means devoid of or abstaining from motion (movement ) (MWD) INTRODUCTION The verse of our text is verse 22 which says ‘’and he move from thence and dug another well; and for that they did not quarrel; and he called the name of it Rehoboth; and he said, for now the Lord hath made room for us and we shall be fruitful in the land. Often time people respond differently to seemingly great opposition, conflict and oppression. Some give up to quickly and easily while others option to fight back fiercely to defend their rights. Neither of these is always the right approach. BODY OF THE LESSON Isaac was by no means a coward; he was a realist. The odds were overwhelmingly against him when he pitched against the more p...