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Showing posts from July, 2019

A Life of Distinction

SERMON SPEAKER BRO. GABRIEL VOTU TEXT: MAL. 3:18, EX. 9:4 INTRODUCTION  The year 2018 has been a very challenging year for every Nigerian. The security of life and property has been a huge challenge. People have killed needlessly. Religious intolerance is high. Poverty is increasing. Confidence in Government, Institution and Individuals is waning. Even confidence in religious leader is waning. But a lot of organization and individuals have testimonies of the faithfulness of God. Despite the challenges, many individuals and organizations are still giving the same response. One form of insanity is to do the same thing again and again and expect a different outcome. If you want a better and different 2019, you most plan to do things differently. WHAT IS GOD SAYING CONCERNING 2019? Significance of Number and 2019        The year 2019 is the nineteenth year of the millennium. Numbers have spiritual significance in the programme of God. When t...