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Showing posts from June, 2020

SERMON: Why are Christians Leaving The Church

TEXT:- 2Pet. 2: 1-4 BY: BRO. LUKE UJAGWUNG INTRODUCTION What is the faith? This the Christian lifestyle of obedience to God.(Jude 3.). Most Christian I have known who left the faith did so for various reasons. Some start the Christian race well but now in danger of ‘Leaving the faith’ as a result of Negligence- this suggest that are careless about most holy faith.  THE LOVE OF THE WORLD The lust of the flesh Lust of the eyes The pride of life.(1Jn.1:15-16) Persecutions- challenge of various kinds. DISCUSSIONS : In our discussion we shall consider the last two groups of Christians who left the Faith. THOSE WHO LEFT BECAUSE OF DOCTRINAL TEACHING (Jn.6:64-66)  Hard teaching such as this always reveal those Christians who feels that they know the truth and yet are faced with a teaching they do not understand. The teaching may have been hard to understand at this time in their lives.  However, they would grown up to maturity in order to und...

Teaching: Enemies of the Cross

Teacher: Bro JERRY YENIGHA TEXT:- ROM.12:20-21 Let us consider those the bible referred to as enemies of the cross of Christ within the fold and outside the fold of God. These are enemies of God of his way, those who live and walk in  ways that negates the principles of Christianity and the course of Christ . such persons conscious or unconscious are the enemies of God.(Acts 13:10)   ENEMIES OF THE CROSS (Phil. 3:16-19) Note from the text above that Paul is concerned about the subject of ‘’Unity, and Harmony’’ in the church (The body of Christ) the Christians. (‘’walk by the same rule,….same mind’’). He enjoins all believers to follow his ‘’…example and pattern…’’ Not all of us here in Amarata Church are friends of God, so many of us are enemies of the way they profess. WE KNOW THAT GOD HAD ENEMIES: (Judges 5:31, Ps 68:1, 92:9; Rom. 5:10). God’s enemies were and are individuals and nations that acted contrary to his ways and open refusal to obey his will. ...