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Teaching: Enemies of the Cross


TEXT:- ROM.12:20-21

Let us consider those the bible referred to as enemies of the cross of Christ within the fold and outside the fold of God.

These are enemies of God of his way, those who live and walk in
 ways that negates the principles of Christianity and the course of Christ . such persons conscious or unconscious are the enemies of God.(Acts 13:10)

 ENEMIES OF THE CROSS (Phil. 3:16-19)

Note from the text above that Paul is concerned about the subject of ‘’Unity, and Harmony’’ in the church (The body of Christ) the Christians. (‘’walk by the same rule,….same mind’’).

He enjoins all believers to follow his ‘’…example and pattern…’’ Not all of us here in Amarata Church are friends of God, so many of us are enemies of the way they profess.

WE KNOW THAT GOD HAD ENEMIES: (Judges 5:31, Ps 68:1, 92:9; Rom. 5:10).

God’s enemies were and are individuals and nations that acted contrary to his ways and open refusal to obey his will.


Christ’s enemies envied Him, hated Him, contradicted and opposed Him, and tried to thwart His mission on Earth.(Lk 6:11; John 15:18; 19:6; Lk 4:29).

In the ministry of Jesus Christ, the Elders, the Pharisees, Scribes and Sadducees were among the chief enemies of Christ and his mission (Matt. 15:1-2; 16:1;19:3; Mk 2:7). These were religious leaders.


These are individuals within and Outside the flock of Christ whose actions and ideas run counter to Christ and His ways (Rom. 5:10; 11: 28, Phil. 3:18).

We may look at the enemies of the cross in two ways:

ENEMIES WITHOUT: the enemies are outside the body of Christ. Their operation are outside(not inside)of the church.

These type of enemies include:

Denominations:  Set up by men to create diversion and confusions in the Christians Faith(Gal.1:6-8)

Traditionlists: Who seek to supper impose cultural and traditional beliefs on Christians.(Mk. 15:3,6,9).

Philosophies and secular mindset that negates God’s will for Christians. (Acts 17: 18; Col. 2:18, Eph. 6:12; 1Tim. 6:20).

The government: Sometimes the government may enact laws and edicts that run counter to Chritsian Doctrines (Acts 4:27-29).

Enemies within:  the enemies within are the enemies working against the course of Christ from within the fold.

These are the real Enemies that are represent serious threat and danger to the church.


God’s idea for all believers is to be in one body (Eph.4:5)

  1. Under one Shepherd (Jn. 10:16; 1 Pet.5:4). 
  2. United in one mind (Jn. 17:22),
  3. Avoiding division (1Cor.1:10-13) and walking by the same rule (Phil.3:16).

Whenever believers (for whatever reason) neglect this principles by going contrary, then such believers have automatically branded themselves as the enemies of the cross of Christ.


Peter wrote  but there were also false prophet among the people, even as there will be false teachers among you, who will
 secretly bring in Destructive heresies…(2Pet. 2:1).

The bible has spelt out serious consequences and calamity for those who teach and affirm falsehood in the church; and for those who aid and abet such false
 teachers (2Jn 9-11;Rom 16:17; Gal. 1:7-9; Jude 4:8,12,3.)

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