By Bro. Williams Ovedhe
text: Phil. 4:11.
DEFINITION: Being contented – satisfied.
Contentment is a process of learning to be content with the things one has. It is not an attitude of mind with which one is born. It is an attitude of mind that one develops by focusing on that which is above this material world (Luke 3:9-14.) Christians should judge themselves (Luke 19:8-10.).
Christian should be known for being satisfied with those things they have. (Matt. 6:24-25; 33: 34.) It is impossible to focus one’s life on services to the master in heaven and the same time making material things the master of our lives (1King 3:7-12). When your request is in conformity with that God, he expands you your expectations. (1Tim.6:6-10).
Christian should focus on spiritual things that will result in eternal life. God ordained that the things of this world are to sustain us on our brief stay here, in preparation for eternal life.
It is not wrong to possess things of this world. But do not allow possession of this world to possess you. Money is not evil. But how you acquire it matters. One should never allow anything of this world hinders his relationship with God.
(Job 1:21) every creatures of God on earth have no inheritance of the things of this earth when he dies.