TEXT: PROV. 11:30.
Strive- As defined by Merriam- Webster dictionary is to try very hard to do or achieve something. To devote serious effort or energy.
Convert - (in Greek it is a strepho which is a verb) it means ‘’to turn’’ or ‘’turn about’’ it is used transitively, and so rendered ‘convert’ that is causing a person to turn. JAMES 5:19-20. The word implies ‘’ a turning from and a turning to’’ 1THESS. 1:9. According to Merriam dictionary, Convert means ‘’to change something into a different form or so that it can be used in different way’’.
Soul -The word so has various meanings, according to vines Dictionary some of the meaning includes:
- The natural life of the body Matt. 2:20 Luke 12:22 Lev. 17:11
- The immaterial the invisible part of man Matt. 10:28 Acts 2:27 1King 17:21.
- The disembodied or unclothed or naked 2Cor. 5:3-4.
- The seat of personality ( Luke 9:24; Heb 6:19).
- The seat of will and purpose,( Matt. 22:37; Acts 4:32).
Persons, individuals (Acts 2:41,43; Rom. 2:19; 1Peter 3:20; Gen. 12:5, 14:21; Lev. 4:2).
It is a fact that the necessities of this life have made Christians to be more concerned about themselves that the things of God. We have little or no concern of the things that will make our creator God to be happy with us. As human we all have daily, weekly, monthly and yearly plan.
However, the question I would like to ask is how many of us have remembered to insert in our plan the plan to convert a soul even in a year? And since we become Christian how many souls have we converted.
The importance of soul winning cannot be overstated. No wonder many years ago C.C Luther and George C. Stebbins were inspired by this and they composed the song titled ‘’MUST I GO AND EMPTY-HANDED ? in Soc 359. We shall analyse the song stanza by stanza to drive home this lesson.
STANZA 1 says- Must I go, and empty handed, thus my dear redeemer meet? Not one day of service give him, lay not trophy at his feet?
THE CHORUS Says – Must I go and empty- handed? Must I meet my saviour so? Not one soul with which to great Him: Must I empty-handed go?
STANZA 2 Says – O the years in sinning wasted, could I recall them now, I would give them to my saviour, to his will I would gladly bow.
STANZA 3 Says – O ye saints arouse, be earnest, up and work while yet ‘ tis day; Ere the night of death over-take thee, strive for souls while still you may.
Our text Prov. 11:30 says: the fruit of the (uncompromisingly) righteous is a tree of life, and he who is wise captures human lives for God , as a fisher of men, he gathers and receives them for eternity (AMP).
- He that converted a sinner shall save a soul from death (James. 5:19-20).
- There is joy in heaven over one soul who repents. Luke 15:7(NIV,AMP).
- The angels of God also rejoice when a soul repents Luke 15:10 (NIV, AMP).
- There is joy on earth among believers or brethren when souls are converted Acts 15:3.
CONCLUSION: Brethren I want to end by asking us this last question that says can someone who is not converted convert another? (Luke 22:32; Acts 3:19).
I therefore urge us to rise up and strive for our souls while still you may. May God help to convert souls for him in Jesus name, Amen.