GAL. 6:2-5
In the Old Testament the English word “burden” is translated from the Hebrew word “Massa”, which is used of a donkey’s burden (Exo. 23:5.)In a Number 4:15, it is used of the items the sons of KOHATH carried as they moved the terbanacle to place in the wilderness.
Another kind of burden is described in Number 11: 11, 17, where Moses bearing the burden of the people and the Lord tells him to gather the seventy elders so that they will help you carry the burden of the people. In that instance, the burden is not physical but psychological and spiritual.
In the New Testament, the Greek word “Phortion” is used for burden, it denotes the troubles of this life in Mat. 23:4, Jesus describes the heavy burden of the people but they themselves are not willing to lift a finger to move them. Obviously, this is a burden legalism, precedence and conscience.
The same Greek word is used to describe a man’s load of imperfections and sins in Gal. 6:5. Jesus used the same word to describe His burden in Mat,11:30 “my yoke is easy and my burden is light’’.
The reason for Jesus having a light burden was because He was a gentle and humble in heart, Mat. 11:29. Our burden will be light if we apply Jesus’ approach to life. (Alan N. Winkler).
Some of us have physical handicap, chronic illness, or some abnormality one cannot change.Some have spiritual burdens, it may be that satan has struck your life and sting of sin has soaked your soul and now you are suffering the consequences.
Some emotional burdens like depression or anxiety, a heartache over some loss or a financial reversal. All these are real burdens that both Christians and non-Christians can go through. A story was once told of a Chinese woman who lost her dear son and could not be consoled. She went to see a wise old man and asked what to do? The old man told her to go to a home that has no sorrow or grief and bring back a mustard seed, and he will restore her son back to her. She went away for several days and returned to the old man and said- I have been so selfish in my grief, sorrow is common to every home.
We all have problems and they weigh down upon us like a burden on the back. We don’t all have wealth, but we all have burdens.
Every day of life here on earth brings to us its own portion of burdens. We will be blessed if we study the word of God to find solutions to our burdens.
Some burdens are meant to be shared, Gal. 6:1-3.
Faults and failures of others are to be shared
Sorrow and grief of brethren are to be shared too.
Some burdens are meant to be shouldered alone. Gal. 6:5
Consequences of personal sin
- Judgement Heb. 9:27
- Some burdens are meant to be shed Ps. 55:22, Mat. 11:28-30, Isa. 4:13
I Cor. 10:13, Ps. 37:5, Prov. 12:25, Mat. 6:34, Luke 12:25REFERENCES
- Alan N. Winkler Burden Definition and Meaning- available at: www.biblestudytools.com Assessed on 08/02/2020
- Jerry Shirley and Grace Notes is what you do with your burdens, available at www.gbcdecatur.org> Assessed on 08/02/2020