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EPH. 6:13-17, 1 THESS. 5:8



In the ancient Roman Empire, military action was defined in terms of the ability to achieve supremacy over the enemy in three fields:

  1. Mobility- Horses, Chariots, Cavalry.
  2. Fire Power- Spears, bows, Sling, axes and swords.
  3. Security- Defensive equipment such as Shield, armor, helmet.

To introduce Christians to the concept that we are soldiers of Christ, Paul through the Holy Spirit explained that we are constantly at war with the Devil and his agents. He told us that God has also equipped the Christians with weapons that could give us supremacy in that battle.


  1. kind of battle 
  2. Christians enemy 
  3. the battle field 
  4. weapons in Christians armory 
  5. weapons in Satan armory


Contrary to the teaching of some religions bodies that the enemy or Antichrist will rise some day from Europe, Asia America  etc. to fight Christ and his Christians at Megiddo and the fight, although spiritual but must be VIOLENT.
They used to Quote Mt. 11:12 the Bible clearly teaches that the battle is spiritual Eph. 6:12.


  1. The red dragon identified as Satan the Devil - The deceiver and accuser of Christians.
  2. The beast from the Land with seven heads identified as evil government and its institutions across the world e.g. Roman Government and it taxed force called (Councilia) of old.
  3. The beast out of the sea – identified as false Prophets, Pastors, General Overseers, Founder of various denominations etc. Rev. 16:13, 19:20, 20:10


  • The Pre-Mellinialist (Jehovah witness) said it will be at Megiddo a place in Palestine valley.
  • The denomination said the battle field is the church or we shall now discuss the following concepts about the Christians battle with Satan.Christians homes where a lot of bounding and casting of Satan take place. 
  • But the bible teaches that the battle field is the Heart and Mind of men.


God equipped the Christians armory with seven weapons five of these are defensive two are for attack. Some are both defensive and attacking.

  1. TRUTH - In order to stand against the deceptive devices of Satan, Christians must stand against all that is error and morally wrong 2 Timothy 2:15, 3:17
  2. RIGHTEOUSNESS- Verse 14, Putting on the life of doing that which is right (Rom. 13:12 –armor of light), Philippians 1:11, 1; John 2:29, 3:7
  3. GOSPEL- Verse 15, The Fact that Christ died for our sins, buried and resurrected for our hope gives Christians confidence to engage Satan because our Lord has all things under control. Eph. 1:20-23; 1 Peter 3:22, Rom. 10:15 – 16.
  4. FAITH- verse 16, The faith of the Christians functions as a shield to ward off the attacks of doubt, discouragement and despair. The Christian is able to stand against the deceptions of Satan through faith that comes by studying the words of God. Rom. 10:17; 1John 5:4.
  5. SALVATION - verse 17, because of the assurance of our salvation that is based, not in our works, but in the grace of God through the cross we can confidently keep our heads high in order to engage the enemy in battle. 1 Thess. 5:8, 2 Timothy 1:12.
  6. THE WORD OF GOD- Verse 17, The purpose of the word is both for attack and defense. The Christian uses the word of the spirit to attack the enemy of deception and also to defend himself against being deceived. Heb. 4:12, Rev. 19:13 -15.
  7. PRAYER- Christians should maintain a life –style that drives them to God through prayers. It is through prayers that the inward man is strengthened to do the work of God. Luke 18:1


With all these weapons in the Christians armory “Onward Christian Soldiers marching as to war, for victory is sure”


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